Sunday, February 10, 2008

St. Onesimus

Re: Saint Onesimus, Bishop of Ephesus and Martyr (+95), Feast: Feb 16
Fr: Kerygma Family (2008 Feb 11) adapted from

From the first century A.D. came Onesimus, slave to the Colossian Christians Philemon and Apphia.

Onesimus committed theft from Philemon and in order to escape punishment, fled to Rome where he sought the help of St. Paul . The apostle converted Onesimus and sent him back to his master with the canonical Epistle to Philemon. In the letter, Paul asked Philemon for Onesimus’ freedom so he could have him as one of his assistants. Because of the apostle’s request, Philemon granted Onesimus pardon and gave him his freedom.

Onesimus became a faithful servant of St. Paul . And with Tychicus, he became bearer of the Epistle to the Colossians. Onesimus continued his service, until he became a preacher of the Gospel then a successor of St. Timothy as bishop of Ephesus.

Because of Onesimus’ merit of celibacy, the governor of Rome had him tortured for 18 days. His legs and thighs were broken with bludgeons, then Onesimus was stoned to death.

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